Università di Catania
Università di Catania - L'Agenda

Kantian Human Rights: How the individual has come to matter in international law

Martedì 26 maggio alle 16 (aula riunioni, Palazzo Pedagaggi), seminario del prof. Howard Williams (Aberystwyth University, UK) per il ciclo "Colloquium on Philosophy and Global Affairs"

Martedì 26 maggio alle 16, nell'aula riunioni al primo piano di Palazzo Pedagaggi (via Vittorio Emanuele II, 49), il prof. Howard Williams (Aberystwyth University, UK), terrà il seminario dal titolo "Kantian Human Rights: How the individual has come to matter in international law".

L'incontro fa parte del ciclo Colloquium on Philosophy and Global Affairs del dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali (organizzato dal prof. Luigi Caranti) e rientra tra le attività culturali del corso di laurea in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations (Glopem).

Howard Williams è autore di libri influenti tra cui Kant's Political Philosophy (1983); Concepts of Ideology (1988); International Relations in Political Theory (1992); Kant’s Critique of Hobbes: Sovereignty and Cosmopolitanism (2003).

Il tema del seminario. "The purpose of this talk is to consider the question of the origin of human rights from a Kantian perspective. I want to open up the possibility that there is a systematic structure to human rights thinking – which was evinced in the debates that led to the setting up of the United Nations and the drafting of the UN declaration of rights – that is also given expression in Kant’s foundational doctrines about law and international relations. My thesis is not that Kant anticipated all that was to unfold in the twentieth century elucidation and development of human rights but rather that the ideas that Kant introduces and expounds in his doctrine of right have clear and positive implications for the human rights culture of today, and so the role of the individual in international law".

(26 maggio 2015)

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